The Titan II ICBM Program
A Comprehensive history

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The United States Air Force Legacy Program has funded the creation of a book on the history of the Titan II ICBM program. The book was written by military historian and published author David Stumpf and published by The University of Arkansas Press.
All aspects of the program have been covered, from research and development concepts for a silo launched missile, to test and evaluation and finally deployment and operational history. The book contains over 300 pages of history, pictures and human interest stories, in the form of anecdotes and other observations.
This is a must have for the ex-Titan II troop! The book is an outstanding example of the dedication the author has to preserve the memory of a great weapon system and to honor the people who made the Titan II ICBM a susccessful program.
The book can be ordered from or several other major book stores such as Borders and Barnes & Noble. The ISBN Number is 1-55728-601-9. I have seen the price ranging from $34.95 to $59.95.
Web Authors Note:
I had a chance to meet Dr. David Stumpf and over the last few years have many discussions with him via phone and email. We even spent a day at the Titan II Museum romping all over the different levels. Boy did that bring back memories! Even though David never supported the Titan II while it was an active weapon system, I was extremely impressed with Davids knowledge and understanding of the Titan II overall. He would have made a great BMAT!
Great job David! We ex-Titan II folks owe you a big "THANK YOU!"
Donald L. Boelling
Author and owner of this web site, EX-BMAT
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